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Gamiel Yafai

I run a consultancy called Diversity Marketplace which works with some of the UK’s largest Employers to design and implement Change/Positive Action initiatives

I moved to MK in 2000 but didn’t really get involved in the Voluntary sector until much later when I collaborated with the MK Dons and Bucks Fire and Rescue Service to form the Inclusive Sports Forum in 2010.

Gamiel at one of his many fundraising events

From there I became Chair of the Diversity and Equality Partnership in 2011, Trustee for the Community Action MK in 2013 and Trustee for the Parks Trust in 2016.

“I want to make Milton Keynes a place that thrives by nurturing and capitalising on the wealth of Diversity that has taken root in our City”

I have a huge passion for bringing communities together, which combines my day job with my ambition for making Milton Keynes a place that thrives by nurturing and capitalising on the wealth of Diversity that has taken root in our City

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